path: root/data/projects.yaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data/projects.yaml')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/projects.yaml b/data/projects.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7614647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/projects.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# list of projects projects
+# (shamelessly stolen from jekyll backend)
+- name: Luigi Template
+ slug: luigi-template
+ repo: https://github.com/pablotron/luigi-template
+ text: "String templating library for Java, JavaScript, PHP, and Ruby."
+- name: SHA2
+ slug: sha2
+ repo: https://github.com/pablotron/sha2
+ text: "Self-contained C11 SHA-2 implementation."
+- name: Weather Sage
+ slug: weather-sage
+ repo: https://github.com/pablotron/weather-sage
+ text: "Command-line tool and Ruby library to get the weather forecast and current weather observations for a domestic US street address."
+- name: ZipStream-PHP
+ slug: zipstream-php
+ repo: https://github.com/pablotron/zipstream-php
+ text: "Streaming zip file generator for PHP."
+- name: FreeType2-Ruby
+ slug: ft2-ruby
+ text: "Freetype2 bindings for Ruby."
+ old: true
+- name: Imlib2-Ruby
+ slug: imlib2-ruby
+ text: "Imlib2 bindings for Ruby."
+ old: true
+- name: Raggle
+ slug: raggle
+ text: "Command-line RSS aggregator."
+ old: true
+- name: Bash Tweaks
+ slug: bash-tweaks
+ text: "My Bash shell config."
+ old: true
+- name: Bling
+ slug: bling
+ text: "bling description"
+ old: true
+- name: DBD-Google-ruby
+ slug: dbd-google-ruby
+ text: "dbd-google-ruby description"
+ old: true
+- name: EasingJS
+ slug: easing-js
+ text: "Easing animations for JavaScript."
+ old: true
+- name: Easy Cookie
+ slug: easy-cookie
+ text: "Easy cookie manipulation in JavaScript"
+ old: true
+- name: FAM-ruby
+ slug: fam-ruby
+ text: "File Alteration Monitor (FAM) bindings for Ruby."
+ old: true
+- name: FreshMeat-Ruby
+ slug: freshmeat-ruby
+ text: "Freshmeat.net API bindings for Ruby."
+ old: true
+- name: HoneyPot-PHP
+ slug: honeypot-php
+ text: "honeypot-php description"
+ old: true
+- name: Joggle
+ slug: joggle
+ text: "joggle description"
+ old: true
+- name: Joystick-Ruby
+ slug: joystick-ruby
+ text: "joystick-ruby description"
+ old: true
+- name: LocalFark
+ slug: localfark
+ text: "localfark description"
+ old: true
+- name: MB-Ruby
+ slug: mb-ruby
+ text: "MusicBrainz bindings for Ruby."
+ old: true
+- name: PersistJS
+ slug: persist-js
+ text: "Persistent storage for JavaScript."
+ old: true
+- name: Rubilicious
+ slug: rubilicious
+ text: "del.icio.us API bindings for Ruby."
+ old: true
+- name: Syndic8-Ruby
+ slug: syndic8-ruby
+ text: "syndic8.net API bindings for Ruby."
+ old: true
+- name: Technorati-Ruby
+ slug: technorati-ruby
+ text: "technorati.net API bindings for Ruby."
+ old: true
+- name: Wirble
+ slug: wirble
+ text: "IRB syntax highlighting and saner defaults."
+ old: true
+- name: XMMS-Ruby
+ slug: xmms-ruby
+ text: "XMMS bindings for Ruby."
+ old: true